Monday, February 05, 2024
When you want to canter with a horse there are a set of aids you use that signifies to the horse to start cantering: put your body weight on the outside, keep a soft yet firm connection with your horse’s mouth, put your inside leg at the girth, your outside leg gently pressing closer to the horse’s exterior hind leg.
It’s a beautiful coordination of movement that the rider must do.
And yet, in my experience, the most beautiful, lightest, most magnificent canter doesn’t come from external aids. It comes from within. When I visualize my horse powerfully and softly taking the first steps of canter, my aids don’t matter as much.
That’s the distinction between mastering the technique and leading with intention.
The difference between using your head alone versus following your heart before putting in the work.
The difference between asking yourself “HOW do I do this?” and “WHO do I need to become to achieve this?”
And that’s how a “less qualified” leader achieves higher success than one with all the right degrees.
What’s your next big goal?
With love,
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2025 Caroline Gaudy
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Photography by Jean-Laurent Gaudy Photography