Monday, February 05, 2024
I came across a fascinating piece of research that I think everyone should know about.
This study tracked 30,000 Americans over 8 years. It shows that if you BELIEVE you are stressed your risk of dying increases by 43%.
With a similar level of heightened stress, the people who didn’t believe stress was harmful to their health had the lowest risk of dying of the entire study.
Your beliefs create your life (and death)
Your beliefs create your health.
Your beliefs create your experience of life.
Your beliefs create your state.
AND your beliefs are thoughts you CHOOSE to believe.
Therefore you can make a conscious decision to choose beliefs that empower you.
Beliefs that feel good for YOU can radically transform your life.
Question for you: What belief do you wish to let go of in 2024?
With love,
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2025 Caroline Gaudy
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Photography by Jean-Laurent Gaudy Photography